Lower Stoke Webpage

Public Meeting with Simon Foster- Tuesday 22nd Nov 2022 - 6pm to 730pm.pdf

Welcome to Lower Stoke Labour Party Page

Ward meeting time:  7:30pm every 3rd Tuesday of the month

Current venue: Online meetings using Microsoft Teams

Dear Labour Party member, If you live in the Lower Stoke ward then you are most welcome to come and join us on our monthly meeting every third Tuesday of the month 7:30 pm start, at this stage due to Covid-19 we are meeting online. If you are not receiving your regular emails then kindly get in touch with the Secretary of the ward. All the contact details are shown below.

Secretary of the ward is:  Mr. Paul Edward click on his name to send email to him. To send a local councillors an email just click on their name below.

Chair of the ward: John Tallentire

Secretary of the Ward: Paul Edwards

Treasures of the Ward: David Seaman

Vice Chair: Mathew Daniel

BAME Officer: Amandeep Shocker

ICT Officer: Liam Crossley

Environment and Green Agenda Champion : Ken Grainger

Ward meeting time:  7:30pm every 3rd Tuesday of the month

Current venue: We are holding online meetings using Microsoft Teams.

Send email to all the Lower Stoke Councillor by clicking on  this link

or Click on Councillors's name to send them email 

Cllr.Rupinder Singh            Cllr. John Mcnicholas            Cllr. Catherine Miks

Lower Stoke Message

Click on the above or on the side Power Point to see our latest update /new /event or message

Current Message for Lower Stoke Members

Click on the above or on the side Youtube to hear our latest video message

Promoted by Rupinder Singh on behalf of the Coventry Labour Group at 90 Short Street, Coventry CV1 2LW.