Councillor Template

Cllr Very Nice


Hello I am Councillor Very Nice and I represent your ward, I  have keen interest in culture,  walking and  travelling.  If you have an issue which you want to raise with me then the easy way is to send me an email a the below given address.  

I am available on the phone  normally between 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Monday to Friday and then Sat from 10:00 am to 18:30 pm.

You can send me text message or whats apps message too.

I hold my regular surgeries at the below given time.

Apart from English I can speak German and Punjabi.

On the side or below is my latest video message 

Lower Stoke Message

Surgery Details

Surgery Venue: Local Library

Surgery Time Table

Every Friday  6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Contact Details

Mobile Phone: 079988900033

Lan Line: 0247667627672


Postal Address: Members Services, The Council House, Earl Street,Coventry. CV1 5RR

Promoted by Rupinder Singh on behalf of the Coventry Labour Group at 90 Short Street, Coventry CV1 2LW.